Siege Admin replied

466 weeks ago

These are all event ideas i found mostly online, Please take a look and leave a comment on which one(s) you'd like to see the most!

-Screenshot contests

-Costume contests

-character background/lore contests

-chocobo races between towns/zones with waypoints. (on a level 1 job/class so it's dangerous)

-PC quests (such as a member hides, players have to find him, and then they are sent to fetch items or a crafted item signed by another FC member. scavenger hunts. escort a low level PC out of a beastman stronghold.)

-Extreme battle modes (IE: WAR only AK/WP, SCH only CM. Single skill only dungeon runs (blm only uses blizard, pld only uses flash, party of DoL/DoH take out a mob)

-Eorzea themed D&D night in RC/TS/Vent/etc.

-Run from grid to uldah as a level 1-10 job and having to pass specific waypoints/pick up certain items from PCs.

-Gathering contest for crystals/shards

-Human darts. Gather everyone at the top of a cliff and have them jump off to try to hit targets. (Amazing suggestion!)

-Crafting Bazaar. get a group of people to help gather materials and farm items to craft items. (would probably be a good suggestion once we can make furniture and airships)

-Trivia night and raffle

-Fishing Contests
The greater the struggle, the sweeter the victory. ~Siege
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